Tailor-made insurance-cover

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford

Owner-managed insurance brokers Heinrich Elbracht have specialized in insuring maritime risks. Since inception in 1972 a growing number of clients trust in our tried and tested service in placing insurance and the competent support service in the event of loss or damage.

The three chain links in the logo of our company symbolize the perfect interlock of the time before, during and after the signing of the insurance contract.

We are certified by DNV in accordance with DIN ISO 9001:2015 this documents that our operational procedures and support service is on a high level of competence.

Hull & Machinery Insurance

H&M insurance is the most essential class of marine insurance as it provides insurance cover for the interest in the value of the ship. The German H&M conditions with their all-risks cover still stand the test of time and have proven to be quite advantageous for shipowners.

To the H & M insurance


Protection & Indemnity

Protection & Indemnity insurance have evolved from the mutual insurance of  ship-owners, formed to hedge their risks in international navigation and commerce. A large part of the P&I Clubs is still operating on a mutual basis, which means that the ship-owner becomes a member of the club rather than just being an “insured person”. However, on the market are insurance companies, who offer P&I insurance on a commercial basis and not on a mutual basis.

To the Protection & Indemnity-Insurance

Loss of Hire

Loss of Hire (or Loss of Earnings) insurance is taken out to insure a ship-owner’s interest in a vessel’s earning capability. In case a vessel is prevented from earning money as a consequence of an insured event, this insurance will cover the loss in accordance with the arrangements in the policy.

To the LOH-Insurance

More insurance

FD & D

Diese Versicherung bietet dem Reeder Schutz bei Rechtstreitigkeiten.


Schiffswerte können die ursprüngliche Kaskotaxe übersteigen.


Die Auswirkungen kriegerischer Handlungen sind durch Standardpolicen nicht gedeckt.


Neubauten oder Reparaturarbeiten bedeuten Risiken am Objekt selbst, aber auch an der Werftanlage.


Die Allgemeinen Deutschen Seeversicherungsbedingungen schließen auch die Gefahr von Streik aus.

K & R

Die K & R ermöglicht es Schiffseignern auch Beraterkosten, Verdienstausfälle, Betreuung der Crew etc. abzudecken.

Charterers' Liability

Eine Charterers' Liability Versicherung ist  für einen verantwortungsvollen Charterer unerlässlich.


Wir bieten für das Kasko und für die betriebshaftlichen Risiken maßgeschneiderten Versicherungsschutz.